Saturday, August 23, 2008

My Guitar Hero

This is my baby girl playing Guitar Hero in Best Buy. My cousin took it with her cell phone. Which I'm glad she had or I wouldn't have this cute video and picture! :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

I went out to check the dogs water outside and I found a huge frog (it was bigger than my hand).
I found something to help him out (I wasn't about to touch it) after I took it pic of course. It then very quickly hopped away. :) (and yes I know the water bowl needs to be cleaned...that's my hubby's job) ;)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Rash :/

My baby got sick with a respiratory infection (again) this time he was put on omnicef ....well that didn't like him too well and now he's all spotty. I took these after we got home from the doctor sadly it looks worse now and has spread alot more. Anyway seems he's allergic to omnicef. He's now taking a different medicine.

Very cranky baby.

rash beginning to spread everywhere

trying to smile for the camera even if he feels awful

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Just sharing some pictures

I went outside to throw out some trash and ran back in to get my camera cause the moon was so pretty. :) I almost completely missed it ...but here's my moon pic :P

this one is a bit out of focus but it's really neat looking :P

If no one has shown you had to use the tripod so you can take a night picture...then just lay in the road and take a pic. :P too bad I missed getting the lightning.

My poor baby

This is my poor baby Will...he was up fussy till 4am :/ and so were we...*sigh* he's teething and has a cold and seems to be going through a growth spurt. I hope he feels better soon.
(I warped the background quickly to get rid of me there ...wasn't a pretty sight) ;)

Monday, August 4, 2008

Yay! my baby boy!

My baby boy Will took his first steps to his daddy today! So of course I'm sharing it here. I didn't get any pics. :/ but he's all snotty faced anyway ...he has another cold *sigh* Won't be long now till he's walking and getting into stuff.