I'm feeling down today.... :( i guess being sick during Christmas and not getting to leave the cracker box of a small dinky trailer for awhile (cause i'm sick) and then right before Christmas getting news that we didn't get the bigger trailer and then our pump on our well is broke (still waiting for that to get fixed) *sigh* maybe i'll have a better day soon :( and i guess i should add that the inside parts to the toilet tank need replacing ...we have to turn off the water to the toilet or it won't start running. but at least for Christmas my parents gave me money so i can get my pretty red cell phone when it comes back in stock.
so the stupid pump thing on the well is broken...so they bought a new tank...still broken so it might be something at the bottom of the well...been to freakN cold to work it...so today i'm still without water...billy was gonna hook up to my parents water hose next door so i could at least wash some dishes by hand and have running water for awhile but their was water frozen in the hose and he could get it thawed before he had to leave for work. So maybe tomorrow they might get me some water running in here while they try to figure out how to fix the well...and i woke up this morning with a headcold just in time for Christmas...have to carry on the tradition of being sick every Christmas. and I was excited that I was gonna get a nice new cell phone with some Christmas money that Billy's grandparents has so kindly sent us for Christmas but that money went to buy the new tank for the well. *sigh* now i'm bummed again. don't get a nice bigger place to live and no pretty new red cell phone. *tries to be happy* I know other ppl have it worse so I'm trying not to whine and be too bummed but I need a little pitty party for myself so I can at least enjoying watching my kids open their Christmas presents ...and maybe i'll be able to get the house cleaned up before then. :P
I don't have a picture as it was hard to see....but today it snow. I walked outside to toss out the kitty litter bag *eww* and the sun was shine through the clouds and you could see the snow fall. It was 56 F outside so it was melting before it ever hit the ground...It was a neat site and didn't last long either...Just long enough for me to yell at Billy and for him to see it.
some stray kittens that my mom was feeding the momma cat next door have decided to get under my trailer....well one of them some how got in the fenced backyard with 5 dogs :( thankfully i was able to save him/her in time. Kitty bit me pretty good >:( on my fingers very very painful! and I have him/her in the bathtub right now cause i'm not sure what to do with a mean scared kitty. :/ but here's a pic of the dirty scared kitty.
Yesterday we got our bankruptcy discharge papers in the mail. So dh took a copy to the trailer place today so they could fax them to the mortgage company. Maybe that will speed things up...who knows last we heard they were waiting for vanderbilt to clear it off that we owe 18k. :/ I'm trying to hope cause the mortgage company hasn't said no yet that it's a good thing?... *sigh* will post when we get a no or yes....well at least I have Christmas to take my mind off of it. ;)
all this waiting to find out a yes or no about getting the bigger place has really got me down. :/ probably cause i want to be happy and hopeful but if think like that i'll be even more crushed if we get a no. :( which for some reason i think we'll get a no :( ....now off to soak in the hot tub maybe i'll be in a better mood tomorrow.
we are now waiting it seems for vanderbilt to get the paper work from our trustee. then they have to process it and sent it to their legal department then somewhere along the line they sent out the title to us and the information to 21st century and then 21st will decide if they still want to loan my mother the money....I'm wondering how long this process is gonna take...my dad thinks a 2-3 weeks. Guess all we can do is continue to wait....
I'm 31 and a stay at home to my 4 kids. Ethan is 10, Christian is 7, Lily is 4 and my baby Will is 3. I have a house full. ;) I have been married to Billy for 11 years. :)